Your Counter-Culture is just Culture now, time to shut up.


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To: Everyone
From: Jon


Dearest everyone,

You may have noticed that it is not 1987. Every person you know owns at least one computer, and more often than not, a game console and a smart phone. At the risk of sounding like some kind of decades-old training film: technology is all around you. Gone are the days of the lonely little geek, and they've been gone for longer than most dogs live.

Not to ruin this carefully crafted identity that you clearly spent tens of hours crafting with wikipedia searches, but you've missed the boat. The central point to being a geek is that you were an outcast; that no one understood your weird interests and perhaps were a little threatened by your intelligence.

I shouldn't have to tell you, but apparently it bears mentioning that this is no longer the case. This particular Rubicon was crossed AGES ago. Obscure comic books are regularly made into big-budget action films. It's been more than 10 years since Time's 'Man of the Year' was the founder of The age of the geek has come and gone, and now the things many of you still cling to as "geeky" are so mainstream, they put mainstream things to shame.

Don't believe me? Next time you're in a crowded room, casually mention that you like Star Wars. You might get a few grunts of approval, or an unwanted conversation if there's a particularly fierce fan in the immediate area. Next, go into a room and say "I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies" and soak in the gasps of disbelief.

You are no longer the minority. Frankly, I'm not sure I believe you ever were, just coasting along quietly, sometimes taking part in the teasing, not jumping on the "I'M A GEEK AND I'M PROUD" train until it was safe to come out because all the bullies traded their letterman jackets for Weezer t-shirts and Mac Book Pros once movies taught them that girls go for the sensitive types.

In summation: stop talking about what a geek you are. At best, it's offputting that you feel the overwhelming need to constantly quantify your role in your social circle, and at worst, it's a bald-faced lie. To borrow another identifier from a time long past: you're a poseur, and it's sad. Just act like yourself and stop trying so hard. People will like you better when you're a person and not a checklist of things.


The Mgmt.

Love Letter to the "Self-Employed"


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You can probably ease up with the smarm: you aren't fooling anyone.

You can call yourself a "freelancer" or "self-employed" all you want, everyone you pitch your little mission statement to is fully aware: you're just unemployed and are ashamed to admit it. Frankly, I don't blame you. You're an adult and you should have a job. A real job, not an Etsy shop where you sell hand-knit bicycle handlebar covers. I'm sorry if you've made it clear to your mid-twenties without anyone telling you that sometimes work isn't super-duper fun. It's work. Suck it up–everyone else does.

As for your "innovative" little projects, guess what: that's not a business. It's a hobby that you talk about WAY more than anyone cares to hear about it. You're like that person that goes on and on about their baby, except instead of actually raising a baby, you have a half-completed dress in your closet that you've worked on for a maximum of four hours for every forty hours spent talking about your hip new clothing company.

Here's a tip: For thousands of years, companies gained and maintained large and positive client bases by providing a unique or superior service or product at a competitive price. The only people in history that based their business plan on talking and allowing the product to take a back seat were snake oil salesmen, con men and religious leaders. Make something worthwhile, or shut the fuck up.

Oh yeah, and we're all tired of you asking us for favors and offering to pay in some nebulous service. Wampum doesn't pay my rent, hippy.

Llamas: Nature's Dickhead.


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Llamas. Sure, everyone thinks they're like funny, lovable sheep from Argentina or wherever the hell they're from, but I know better. They're spiteful, petty little bastards. And they are my life-long, mortal enemies.

You see: when I was a child, all full of wonder and love for all living creatures, I took a trip to the zoo with my family. During this trip, we visited the llama paddock. While standing in front of their pen, one of the llamas came to the fence, looked at my brother, and spit right in his face. Being a good older brother, I went over to pet the llama and tell it what an awesome job it had done. And that, my friends, is when things went awry.

This llama prick leaned over the fence while I pet him, bit my hair, and plucked me clear off the ground. I had done nothing to deserve this. I simply wanted to congratulate this creature for his pinpoint accuracy and his innate ability to make my brother cry. But sadly, this bastard decided he would rather be my foe. I dangled there in the air screaming in a register that startled even myself for what seemed like an eternity. I was finally pulled loose by my dad, and swore on that spot that I would spend the rest of my life exacting revenge on llamas for the atrocities they had committed upon me. I have never forgotten this vow.

So let this be a warning to you reader, if you happen to be a llama. If you're just sitting there, enjoying your day, don't be surprised if I jump from a bush and punch you square in the jaw. I don't care if you are a member of the camel family, I will punch you like a man.

Fucking pricks.

Things I Will Punch Like a Man: Comcast

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After 10 years of reasonably reliable service from Verizon, I decided to make the jump to Comcast to try out what everyone's always complaining about. A mere year and a half later, I understand all too well why everyone bitches like an 11 year old girl whose brother just cut off all her Barbie's hair.

Following 6 months of (admittedly) small bills, this week I received a bill from Comcast for nearly $1,500. After two entire lunch breaks on the phone with 4 levels of "supervisor," I have yet to find someone that can remedy the situation beyond "well sorry it was a billing error, but that's how much you should have paid."

I will be sticking to my mantra of "You motherfuckers can either wipe the charge and start fresh with the benefit of fiscally assraping me at the same rate as everyone else for the next several years--or you can shut my service off and take me to small claims court, where I will not only win handily, but countersue for the hours of lost wages I've had to put into fixing this ludicrous clusterfuck.

So, in closing, Comcast, fuck you. I will punch you like a man.

(Which, incidentally is pretty funny, considering I picked up that phrase from the Comcast tech that installed my cable, as he was yelling it into his Bluetooth at his lady friend while I stood next to him.)